Friday, July 22, 2011

So, I've decided that I have to learn how to swim.

Because I'm terrified of the water, because it will force me to trust myself and others, because there's so much life to be enjoyed on the other side of the shallow end. I have to learn.

It's weird because I think that it will cause a deep and significant bond between the person who teaches me and myself. While I'm in the beginning stages, I'll have to trust them a lot, especially since water frightens me so much. The last person who tried, I clung to him desperately every time I felt afraid. By the time I'd actually learned something, I trusted him a lot. And the person will have to be patient with me because even small steps in this area take a long time for me. As they learn to deal with my lack of confidence and I learn to trust them and myself, I think a good relationship will form.

I'm looking forward to this :)