I hate you because I cannot hate you
I hate you for all you’re not
And for all you pretend to be.
I hate that your yes means no
And your word is empty.
I hate your rage and childish bullying
I hate your lies, your hateful tongue,
Your words of pure destruction.
But mostly
I hate you because I cannot hate you.
I hate your two-faced, double standards
Your blatant hypocrisy
Your propensity to be right even when you’re wrong.
I hate your “I love you”s, your generous gifts
And all your symbols of proclaimed affection.
I hate that I believe you whether it’s true or not.
But mostly
I hate you because I cannot hate you.
I hate how much I look like you
And talk like you
And think like you.
I hate how much I can relate to you
And I hate that you can’t see it.
I hate how you think I’m someone I’m not.
But mostly
I hate you because I cannot hate you.
I hate that you’re the source of most of my tears
Yet also the reason I’m afraid to cry
I hate that you taught me pain is weakness
Yet have inflicted more than anyone I’ve personally known.
I hate you for every broken dream,
Wounded emotion,
And damaged perspective.
But mostly
I hate you because I cannot hate you.
Matthew 5:43-48
As I read this (although I know who it is referring to)I couldn't help but think of the times when I have done these actions that could make someone "hate" me. And I'm thankful that our Father forgives us and that he calls us to love one another even when they do not love us. Because it is love that changes a person--not hatred :) and that love is Jesus!