Wednesday, February 2, 2011

A good idea?

Something I wrote out of frustration and just plain fatigue a few weeks ago...

"Who ever said love was a good idea? Of course, God ordained and defined love is good, it’s right. But this whole romantic love thing. It seems to be both one of the best and worst parts of life. Sometimes simultaneously.  The odds of two people romantically loving each other at the same time are slim to none. So that means that someone is going to get hurt. Someone is going to pine and wait with the hope that their someone will somehow magically realize this other person is clearly the person for them. But until then, they wait. They hurt and they wait. They cry and they wait. They move on, come back, and wait again. Sometimes that day comes. Sometimes it works. But usually, someone moves on perhaps to someone they’ll love more or perhaps to someone they feel is second best. I mean really, how often does it actually work out? How often do the people we love actually love us in return- in the way we want them to? It’s not very common is it? So why bother? Why do we put ourselves through this torture of waiting, wondering, hoping, crying, hurting, and ultimately just straight up lying to ourselves with the possibility that perhaps this dream will come to fruition? What’s the point?"

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